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Privacy policy & Compliance

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Responsible Authority

We are happy about you visiting our website. We would like to introduce you to the responsible authority in terms of data protection law as applicable:

GLI Business Solutions GmbH
represented by the Manager
Marc Pfeiffer, Sven Pfeiffer
Kirchhoffstraße 1
25524 Itzehoe
Phone: +49 4821 4039880

Privacy legacy officer

Keyed GmbH, Nils Möllers
Siemensstraße 12
48341 Altenberge
Telephone: +49 2505 639797

General Information

Pursuant to our statutory obligations, we would like to inform you about the collection and use of your personal data.

When you use our website, personal data about you will be collected. This may happen by you entering the data yourself, for example your e-mail address. But our system also collects your data automatically, for example whenever you visit our website. This happens irrespective of the device or the software that you use to visit our website.

All data that you enter in our app is provided voluntarily; there are no disadvantages to you if you do not provide data. But without certain data, we are unable to provide services or to conclude contracts. Whenever such information is necessary, we will point it out to you.

On this website, the user’s personal data is only collected within the framework of the existing data-protection law, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The legal terms used in the text are defined in Art. 4 of the GDPR.

The GDPR allows data processing in three cases in particular:

  • in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 (a) and 7 GDPR, when you have consented to us processing your data; in this Privacy Policy and in the cases of consent pursuant to Art. 4 no. 11 GDPR, we will inform you in detail and each time for what purposes and under what circumstances your data will be processed by us;
  • in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 (b) GDPR, when processing your personal data is necessary for negotiating, concluding or performing a contract;
  • in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR, if the balancing of interests leads to the conclusion that the processing is necessary to protect our legitimate interests; this means in particular our interests to analyse, optimise and secure the offers on our website – meaning primarily the analysis of user behaviour, setting up profiles for advertisement purposes and storage of access data as well as the use of third-party providers.

Inventory Data

We collect inventory data as far as it is necessary to establish, negotiate or amend a contract (including one without remuneration) between us and the user. This can be: customer data (for example name, address), contact data (for example e-mail address, phone number), service data (for example services ordered, duration, payment). Upon establishing the user relationship, we will ask you for this data (for example name, address and e-mail address) and will also tell you which of the information is required to establish the user relationship.

Usage Data

We also collect usage data to allow users to use the services on our website. These may consist of: usage information (for example visited websites or parts, duration of visit, interest in services), content data (for example data, text, images, sounds, videos entered or uploaded by you), meta data (for example identity of your device, location, IP address).

We will only combine usage data if and insofar as it is necessary for billing purposes. Otherwise, we will only put together usage data pseudonymously and only insofar as you have not objected. You may send this objection to the address indicated in the “About Us” section or the responsible authority indicated in this Privacy Policy at any time.

The legal basis for this data processing are our legitimate interests pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR in analysing the website and your use, possibly also the statutory permission to store data as part of the negotiation of a contract pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 (b) GDPR.

Furthermore, our provider stores information, the so-called server log files, each time the website is used; this is information which is automatically transferred by your browser. In detail, this data consists of:

  • your IP address
  • type and version of your browser
  • host name
  • time of visit
  • the page from which you came to our page
  • name of the page opened
  • exact time of usage as well as
  • the amount of data transferred

This data will only be used for statistical purposes and do not allow us to identify you as a user.


Before sending you advertisements, we will ask for your explicit consent pursuant to Art. 4 no. 11 GDPR, except in cases of advertisements for similar products to the one you already acquired. This will happen in particular when you grant us consent to mail our newsletter or when you fill out a contact form. You may withdraw your consent at any time in accordance with the subsequent section “Consent”.

First Contact through Electronic Request

If you contact us in electronic form (for example by mail, fax, phone, messenger, etc.), we store and process the data which you have given us (for example name, contact information, content of the request). This is based on our legitimate interest in an effective communication with customers in accordance with Article 6 para. 1 (a) GDPR and, as far as it concerns a request to enter into or to perform a contract, also with Article 6 para. 1 (b) GDPR.
We will only pass on this data to third parties as far as required for the performance of the contract (in accordance with Article 6 para. 1 (b) GDPR), by the overwhelming interest in effective services (in accordance with Article 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR) or based on your consent (in accordance with Article 6 para. 1 (a) GDPR) or if there is another legal permission or obligation.
You may ask us at any time and without any cost to provide information about the purpose of the processing, the origin and the recipient, if any, of your data. You may also request that we correct, delete or limit the processing of your personal data. You may object against the (further) processing of your data at any time and you have a right for the data to be made transferable as well as the right to file a complaint with the competent supervisory agency.
In general, your data will only remain stored as long as required by the purpose of the respective data processing. A longer storage is an option, in particular when required in order to pursue our rights, for other legitimate interests of ours or when there is a statutory duty to keep the data longer (for example record-keeping under tax law, statute of limitations).


Whenever we ask you for your consent for the processing of your data, we will inform you in clear language and in an easily accessible way about the cases for which you will be granting your consent. Any consent that we ask you for is voluntary. Any advantage that you wish to gain by granting consent is also available without consent; simply ask us.

Regarding any consent, you have the right to revoke any consent given to us for the processing of your personal data at any time. You just need to contact us without any particular formal requirement, for example through our contact form, an e-mail to the e-mail address indicated in the “About Us” section or a link to unsubscribe (if offered by us). Your withdrawal has no effect on the legality of the data processing carried out up to that point.

Storage Period

Generally, your data will only remain stored as long as required by the purpose of the respective data processing. Storage beyond that is possible in particular if it is still required for pursuing our rights or for other legitimate interests of ours.
For your inventory data which were necessary to perform a contract (including one without remuneration), this means that we store this data until the complete performance or termination of the contractual relationship plus the limitation period (which is generally 2 or 3 years) plus an adequate extra time for potential interruptions of the limitation period.
For your usage data which was collected in the course of your use of the website, this means that we will store it only for the time still required for the proper functionality of our website and as long as we still have a legitimate interest. Statistical information will be primarily stored by us in pseudonymous form.
Beyond that, we still store your data for as long as we are required to do so by law. This concerns in particular the tax-law requirements to keep records, usually for 6 or even 10 years.

Upon opening the website, we have asked you to consent to the storing of certain cookies which will be placed while you visit our website. Based on your consent pursuant to Art 6 para. 1 (a) GDPR, our website thus uses cookies, so that our offer can be used in a better, more effective and more secure way.
A cookie is a record of information that is stored on your terminal device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.). These can be “session cookies”, which are automatically deleted when you leave our website. Other cookies are stored on your computer permanently until you delete them. That allows us to recognize your browser when you visit our website again and to provide you with features or offers according to your previous usage.

Your browser allows you to prevent the use of cookies in general or in specific cases. Please check the instructions for your browser to find out more about this. You can also delete cookies following these instructions which we have listed for you:

for Chrome:
for Safari:
for Firefox:
for Edge:
for Internet Explorer:

Blocking cookies may limit the functionality of our website and of other websites visited by you.
More information on this topic, in particular how you can administer, limit or completely disable third-party cookies and technologies with a similar purpose, can be found at:

In order to obtain your consent to store certain cookies on your device and to document this in line with data protection law, and in line with our legal obligations under Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 (c) GDPR and our legitimate interest in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR, we use the product Complianz of Complianz B.V.
Atoomweg 6B
9743 AK (NL).
Upon opening our website, the following data will be sent to Complianz: your consent or the withdrawal of your consent for placing cookies, a cookie placed in your browser by Complianz, type and version of your browser, information about your device, the time of your visit to our website as well as your IP address in an anonymized form. Because it is anonymous, collecting the IP address does not link to any person and only serves the purpose of having evidence for the consent granted.
You can find detailed information about the purpose of the collected data and about the privacy policy of Complianz at:
If you want to withdraw your consent, simply delete the cookie in your browser. For information on deleting cookies, we refer you to the chapter "cookies" in this privacy policy. If you re-enter/reload our website, you will be asked for your consent to place cookies again. Alternatively we offer an opt out right here.

Transfer of data

Transfer to Third Parties

We dislike spam as much as you do. We will therefore not transfer your data to third parties, unless permitted by law.

Transfer of customer data may either

  • be required for the performance of a contract and in that case be permitted according to Art. 6 para. 1 (b) GDPR, or
  • be permitted based on our legitimate interest in an effective service structure pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR, or
  • covered by your consent pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 (a) GDPR, or
  • become necessary if we will be legitimately asked by a government or an agency to hand over your data pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 (c) GDPR.

If your data are transferred to third parties, this is mentioned in this privacy policy.

Transfer to other countries, particularly USA

Our website uses external providers located outside of the EU for different features. In particular, the use of cookies, active Java scripts and other technology can lead to processing and storage of your data outside of the EU. But we will not transfer your data to a third country, unless the EU Commission has determined that there is a similar level of data protection as in the EU or unless you have provided us with your informed consent or we have agreed on the standard contractual clauses for the protection of your data with the provider.

Users‘ Rights

You may request us anytime to provide information about the personal data stored about you free of charge. To avoid misuse, this will require personal identification.

Deletion, Correction, Limitation

You may at any time demand from us that we correct (or complete) incorrect data as well as a limitation of the processing of data or deletion of your data. This applies in particular if the reason for processing the data is no longer valid, if a required consent has been revoked and there is no other legal basis or if our data processing is unlawful. We will then correct, block or even delete your personal data without delay as far as permitted by law.


The right to object to advertisement is governed by our text regarding consent:
Regarding any consent, you have the right to revoke any consent given to us for the processing of your personal data at any time. You just need to contact us without any particular formal requirement, for example through our contact form, an e-mail to the e-mail address indicated in the “About Us” section or a link to unsubscribe (if offered by us). Your withdrawal has no effect on the legality of the data processing carried out up to that point.

Data Transfer

You may request us to transfer the data stored about you in machine-readable form.


If you feel that our data processing has violated any of your rights, you may file a complaint with the competent regulatory agency (here you find a list of the agencies).

Changes to the Privacy Policy

If and when factual or legal reasons will compel us to amend the Privacy Policy, we will update this page accordingly. This will not change the consent provided by the user.

Data Entry

Encryption of Data Entry

When you enter data on our website, whether in a contact form, during the registration process, when you log in or for payment purposes, the website, where you enter the data, is encrypted. Thus, third parties can not read what you enter. You will recognise the encryption by the lock symbol in your browser and by the URL beginning with “https“ instead of “http“.

Contact Forms

General contact form

When you fill out a contact form or when you send us an e-mail or another electronic message, your information will be stored for the processing of the request, for possible follow-up questions or for other related questions and will only be used to follow up with the request.

Your data will be transferred in an encrypted manner, preventing third parties from reading your data while it is being entered.

Basis for this storage is the safeguarding of our legitimate interests in regard to communication with interested users pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR and in the case of inquiries prior to entering into a contract also the performance of a contract pursuant to Art. 6 para (b) GDPR.

Your data remains stored for as long as the processing of the request requires, in particular as long as the storage is still necessary to perform the contract, to pursue our rights or for our other legitimate interests or we are compelled by law to keep your data stored (for example based on tax-law requirements to maintain files).

Job Applications

If you send us a job application, we will process the personal data from your application. This includes all of your application documents. We will in particular store your contact information, the information about your schooling and training, internships, work experience as well as certificates.
We ask you not to send any information which tells us about race, ethnic origin, gender, religion or worldview, disability, age, illnesses, physical or mental health, pregnancy, political views, philosophical or religious convictions, membership in a union, sexual identity or sexual life, because we evaluate applications independent of such information.
Applications are subject to our strict internal rights management. Only employees who are part of the application process will receive access to the application, usually only the HR department as well as the management, if applicable. All of our employees are ordered to maintain confidentiality.
The processing of your application information is based on Art. 88 GDPR in connection with § 26 BDSG, according to which employees' personal data may be processed for the purpose of the employment if this serves to establish an employment contract.
If you will be hired based on the application, your information will be stored in your personnel file in accordance with the separate privacy policy for employees' data. If your application will not be successful, we will delete your information completely within 3 months from the rejection, unless you have declared your specific consent to use your information for future applications. You may revoke this consent at any time, upon which we will immediately delete your application information.

Social Media

We refer with links to our social media presences. When you follow any such link to the social media site, your data will be broadcasted to that site. The social media site will normally store a cookie in your browser and to your account information there, especially, if you are logged into your social media account on the site. The social media site can analyse your use of the platform and your browsing habits and will use these for targeting advertisements based on your interests. That can lead to ads being shown to you when browsing in- and outside of the social media site. Please inform yourself about the use of your data on these sites and use them only, when you agree to that use of your data, that happens on that social media site, in particular, when you are not using that social media site for the first time. We have added links to all the privacy policies of the social media site for your information.

Our page uses links to our presence on the social network LinkedIn, provided by LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland, as a subsidiary of LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Ct. Ste. 200 Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

It is just a normal link, which means that upon opening our page, LinkedIn won't learn anything of your visit to our website. But when you click on the link, you will be taken to LinkedIn, and then LinkedIn will also learn that you visited our page.

Thus, your data may be forwarded to the USA.

We have neither knowledge of, nor any influence on the possible collection and processing of your data by LinkedIn after clicking on the link. Further information can be found in LinkedIn's privacy policy at

Social Media Videos

Youtube (Two Click)

Based on our legitimate interest in a technologically perfect online offering and its design and optimisation in an economically efficient manner pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR we use YouTube, a service provided by YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Avenue, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA, represented by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland in order to embed videos.
To protect your data, we have installed a two-click solution. That way, Google won't learn about your visit once you access our website, but only once you actually click the button. If you confirm the plugin while being logged in at YouTube, Google may attribute your use to your user account.

The data collected by Google may be transferred by Google to countries outside of the EU, in particular to the USA.

However, we have ensured that your data is only transferred to the USA on the basis of a contract in accordance with the standard contractual clauses. Furthermore this provider is certified according to the EU-US Data Privacy Framework. This means that the transfer of data to the USA is possible in a legally secure manner on the basis of the adequacy decision concluded on 10.07.2023.

We have concluded an data processing agreement with this provider, according to which this provider will only process your data on our behalf within the scope of the GDPR and according to our instructions.
You may find further information in YouTube’s privacy policy at

Regarding the general approach to cookies and their deactivation, we refer you to our general information in this Privacy Policy.


Google AdSense

Based on our legitimate interest in a technologically perfect online offering and its design and optimisation in an economically efficient manner pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR, we also use Google AdSense. This is a web analysis service provided by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland.

The analysis is enabled through so-called cookies and web beacons. Cookies are text files which are stored on your computer and allow the website's usage to be analysed. Web beacons are invisible graphic files, allowing information about the user traffic on the website to be compiled. All information about the use of the website as well as regarding advertisement formats that include your IP address will be sent to Google Inc. and stored there. Contracting partners of Google Inc. may obtain access to this information. The IP address ascertained by Google AdSense will not be combined with other data of Google.

The anonymized data may be forwarded to the USA and stored by Google. We have concluded an agreement with Google, according to which Google only processes your data according to our instructions. This agreement ensures, that your data will be transferred to the US solely on the base of the standard contractual clauses, see the Google Ads Controller-Controller Data Protection Terms for further information. The Google Ads Controller-Controller Data Protection Terms are available here:

Furthermore this provider is certified according to the EU-US Data Privacy Framework. This means that the transfer of data to the USA is possible in a legally secure manner on the basis of the adequacy decision concluded on 10.07.2023.

If you do not want any cookies to be stored on your computer, you can change the relevant preferences in your browser (on cookies, see the general part of this declaration). This may however limit the functionality of our pages. By using the website, you consent to the collection of the aforementioned information in the described manner. By using the website, you further agree to the transfer of the information to Google Inc. for the purpose described above.

For the general approach to cookies and their deactivation as well as regarding the passing of data to third parties, particularly to the USA, we refer you to our general information in this Privacy Policy.

Google Ads

Based on our legitimate interest in a technologically perfect online offering and its design and optimisation in an economically efficient manner pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR, we use Google Ads, an online advertisement network provided by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

With this system we can advertise in the Google ads network, which will be displayed on other websites, search results or other places on the internet. With Google Ads our ads will be primarily shown to users, who are most likely interested in them. This allows us, to market more specific. Google uses a Cookie to display the ads based on the interests of the user. The Cookie will be read by “web beacons” on the Website of the Google ads network.
The Cookies contain data about technical specifications of your system, the websites visited, the interests shown and which ads were clicked.
At the same time we have a „Conversion Cookie“. With it Google shows us anonymize statstics without personal data. It is just about how often our ads were clicked.
Also Google will use all data out of these Cookies just in a pseudonymized way, without being able, to follow your actions individually. The data is just analysed concerning the cookie itself, otherwise only, if you have given Google your specific consent to use the data with respect to you individually.

The data collected by Google may be transferred by Google to countries outside of the EU, in particular to the USA. We have concluded a data processing agreement with Google, according to which Google only processes your data according to our instructions. This agreement ensures, that your data will be transferred to the US solely on the base of the standard contractual clauses, see the Google Ads Data Processing Terms for further information. The Google Ads Data Processing Terms are available here:

As we have already explained about cookies in general in our Privacy Policy, you can prevent the saving of cookies through the relevant preferences in your browser, but this may limit the functionality of our website.

Alternatively, you can use your browser to deactivate only interest-targeted ads on Google as well as interest-targeted Google ads on the web. To do this, you have to go to and activate the “Off” button or use the deactivation at Further information about your preference options regarding this issue and the data protection of Google can be found at

For the general approach to cookies and their deactivation as well as regarding the passing of data to third parties, particularly to the USA, we refer you to our general information in this Privacy Policy. This provider is certified according to the EU-US Data Privacy Framework. This means that the transfer of data to the USA is possible in a legally secure manner on the basis of the adequacy decision concluded on 10.07.2023.

You will find more information about Google’s precautions regarding data protection at the following link:

Google Ads Conversion Tracking

Based on our legitimate interest in a technologically perfect online offering and its design and optimisation in an economically efficient manner pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR, we additionally to Google Ads we use the Google Ads Conversion Tracking, to track the result of our ads and to allow us to display ads based on the interest of the user.

If you perform certain actions on our Website – as ordering something, send a contact form or order out Newsletter – will this Conversion send to Google. Google can therewith measure the numbers of conversions. Additionally Google will be able to identify the cookie saved by Google on your Computer by Google before and can see, on which ads you have clicked before.

If you do not wish to be tracked, you can use the Google Ad Manager to modify your settings or even deactivate your Google Ads entirely. Additionally we refer for further settings and deactivation-measures to our general information in this Privacy Policy and especially for Google Ads.

Online calendar


Based on our legitimate interest in a technologically perfect online offering and its design and optimization in an economically efficient manner pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR, we use the calendar of Calendly, a service offered by Calendly LLC, 1315 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 30309, USA, to make appointments.

Thus, the data you enter while making an appointment will be passed to Calendly. Your data will be transmitted to the USA in that process.
You can find more information about the privacy policy of Calendly at We have entered into a contract on data processing with Calendly, according to which Calendly will only process your data according to our instructions. Additionally we have ensured that your data is only transferred to the USA on the basis of a contract in accordance with the standard contractual clauses. According to the GDPR and the EuGH, this is a legal basis for the transfer of data to the USA. Furthermore this provider is certified according to the EU-US Data Privacy Framework. This means that the transfer of data to the USA is possible in a legally secure manner on the basis of the adequacy decision concluded on 10.07.2023.

In order to arrange an appointment, we ask for the data requested in the Calendly form and we collect your IP address at the time of entry. This data will not be passed to third parties by us or by Calendly and only serves statistical purposes and for arranging appointments. Data entry will be encrypted, preventing third parties from reading your data while you enter it. You will find more information about the data collected by Calendly and how they process your data in the privacy policy of Calendly .

Your data will remain stored as long as the reason for the appointment is still relevant, in particular as long as the storage is still necessary to perform the contract, to pursue our rights or for other legitimate interests of ours or as long as we are required by law to keep your data stored (for example by tax-law requirements on the keeping of records). If the appointment passes without any consequences, your data will be deleted.

Security systems


Based on our legitimate interest in a technologically perfect online offering and its design and optimisation in an economically efficient manner pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR, we use the security plugin Solid Security (formerly iThemes Security) provided by Liquid Web LLC, 2703 Ena Drive, Lansing, MI 48917, USA to prevent attacks on our website. Login attempts, logout requests, requests for suspicious URLs, changes to the content of the site and password updates are recorded by the plugin and stored for 30 days in order to block massive requests and attacks on our website.
Information about your use of this website (including your IP address) will be sent to a server of iThemes in the USA.
However, we have ensured that your data is only transferred to the USA on the basis of a contract in accordance with the standard contractual clauses. According to the GDPR and the EuGH, this is a legal basis for the transfer of data to the USA. Furthermore this provider is certified according to the EU-US Data Privacy Framework. This means that the transfer of data to the USA is possible in a legally secure manner on the basis of the adequacy decision concluded on 10.07.2023.

We have concluded an data processing agreement with this provider, according to which this provider will only process your data on our behalf within the scope of the GDPR and according to our instructions.

You can find more information about the use of your data by iThemes in the privacy policy of iThemes:
iThemes cannot be blocked, because that would remove the protection of our website.

Customer service

Go To Assist

Based on our legitimate interest in a technologically perfect online offering and its design and optimisation in an economically efficient manner pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR, we use the customer-service software Go To Assist, provided by LogMeIn Ireland Limited, The Reflector, 10 Hanover Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland, for our customer service.

You will find more information about the data-protection guidelines of LogMeIn at Our customer-service software may transfer your data to the parent company in the USA. For that purpose, our customer-service software uses the standard contractual clauses, which do generally allow the export of data to a country with a less than equal level of data protection. You can find the text of the contract here:

When you use our customer-service software, you connect as instructed by our support staff. When you confirm the screen sharing request, you share your screen and it can be recognised by our staff and the software. Please close all windows and content that have nothing to do with the support process, in particular windows with confidential data. With your consent, you can also give our support control of your keyboard and mouse. Our support will use the access and, if applicable, the control exclusively to solve the support task. You have the possibility to terminate the access and the control for our support at any time.
The support task will be recorded and stored for as long as required for completing your support request. Our support may produce statistics about the usage. The transferred screen content, configuration data or transfer files are only buffered by LogMeIn, but will not be permanently stored.

If you do not wish the transmission of data to our customer-service software, you can prevent the setting of cookies by our customer-service software. Please refer to the "Cookies" section in this privacy policy. You can also contact us at any time outside of our customer-service software and thus prevent the storage and transfer of your data. For this purpose, you can use the contact options mentioned in this privacy policy.


Google Fonts

Based on our legitimate interest in a technologically perfect online offering and its design and optimisation in an economically efficient manner pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 (f) GDPR, we use Google Fonts, online font libraries provided by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland (“Google“), to display fonts on our website. External font libraries especially capable of an even, fast and secure presentation.
For the use of the online fonts, no cookies or other trackers are stored in your browser. The font files (CSS, fonts) are requested from the provider of the font libraries. But, as with any data transfer on the internet, your usage data like your IP address, the browser used, the website visited previously as well as your user behaviour will be transmitted to the provider of the fonts.
Google points out that all requests concerning the CSS and fonts are absolutely separated from all other Google services. They will not be attributed to your account and will only be stored by Google for a short time. Google uses the data only in pseudonymous form for statistical evaluations. You can find detailed information about Google Web Fonts at

By using Google Fonts, your data will be sent to Google servers in the USA and will be stored there. You can find more information about the use of your data by Google in the privacy policy of Google:

MYcollana Seite: Compliance
Websites der Perlen: Button „Datenschutz“ bzw. „Datenschutzerklärung“ bei Bedarf umbenennen zu „Datenschutz & Compliance“, Text unter die Datenschutzerklärung setzen
Prozesserläuterung (DE)
Unethisches oder kriminelles Verhalten am Arbeitsplatz tolerieren wir in unserem Unternehmen nicht. Mit der Einrichtung einer internen Meldestelle können Missstände gemeldet werden. Mit Deinem Hinweis hilfst Du uns dabei, Verstöße frühzeitig zu erkennen und abzustellen. Wenn zum Zeitpunkt der Meldung ein hinreichender Grund zur Annahme besteht, dass die Meldung zutreffend ist, sind keinerlei negative Konsequenzen für Dich zu erwarten.
Im Zuge der Umsetzung der EU-Richtlinie zum Schutz von Personen, die Verstöße gegen das Unionsrecht melden (Whistleblowing-Richtlinie) in Nationalrecht, sieht der deutsche Gesetzgeber das Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz (HinSchG) vor. Ziel des HinSchG ist der Schutz von Personen, die im Rahmen ihrer beruflichen Tätigkeit Informationen über Verstöße erlangt haben und diese melden. Gemäß §16 Abs. 3 HinSchG haben wir hierfür einen internen Meldekanal eingerichtet, der via zu erreichen ist. Zu melden sind Verstöße gemäß §2 HinSchG.
Die Bearbeitung der über diesen Kanal eingehende Meldungen erfolgt durch die interne Meldestelle, die durch drei Mitarbeitende der collana IT Gruppe besetzt ist. Auch anonyme Hinweise werden verfolgt.
Der Schutz der Vertraulichkeit hat bei der Bearbeitung der eingehenden Meldungen oberste Priorität. Entsprechend haben sich die Mitarbeitenden, die Teil der internen Meldestelle sind, zur Vertraulichkeit gemäß §§ 8, 9 HinSchG verpflichtet. Weiterhin verfügen sie gemäß §15 Abs. 2 HinSchG über die notwendige Fachkunde für diese Aufgabe.
Verarbeitung und Umgang mit Meldungen:
Nach Eingang einer Meldung hat die Meldestelle diesen innerhalb von sieben Tagen zu bestätigen und innerhalb von drei Monaten über geplante oder ergriffene Maßnahmen zu informieren (§17 HinSchG).
Die eingegangenen Meldungen werden durch die interne Meldestelle geprüft, ob sie in den sachlichen Anwendungsbereich fallen (§2 HinSchG), indem ordnungsgemäße Folgemaßnahmen eingeleitet werden. Dafür werden zunächst interne Nachforschungen eingeleitet, mögliche Maßnahmen zur Behebung des Problems durchgeführt und falls erforderlich eine zuständige Behörde eingebunden (§18 HinSchG).
Alle eingehenden Meldungen müssen dokumentiert und für drei Jahre aufbewahrt werden, es sei denn, es besteht eine rechtliche Notwendigkeit für eine längere Aufbewahrung (§11 HinSchG).
Neben den Vorschriften aus dem HinSchG, finden auch die Regelungen der EU-DSGVO Anwendung.
Information über externe Meldestellen:
Unabhängig von der internen Meldestelle bearbeiten ebenso die offiziellen Behörden Meldungen zu kriminellem Verhalten. Es steht jede:r Bürger:in frei, auch diese zu kontaktieren.
Als externe Meldestelle ist für Dich in Deutschland unter anderem das Bundesamt für Justiz zuständig. Wenn Du mit dem Bundesamt Kontakt aufnehmen möchtest, erreichest Du es jederzeit über das Kontaktformular oder über die unten angegebene E-Mail-Adresse. Darüber hinaus kannst Du Dich mit Deinen Fragen während der Geschäftszeiten an das Bundesamt wenden.
Telefon: +49 228 99 410-40
Telefax: +49 228 410-5050
Mo. Bis Do.: 08:00h bis 16:00h und Fr: 08:00h bis 14:30h
Weitere externe Meldestellen gibt es z.B. auf Bundesländer-Ebene.
Wir weisen Dich darauf hin, dass Du Dich stattdessen auch an den oben beschriebenen internen Meldekanal unseres Unternehmens wenden kannst.

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