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GLI Business Solutions

About us – We are your team of experts behind MAIN-TOOL, distinguished by 35 years of experience in maintenance planning. Get to know us.

About us


As a Microsoft partner we develop and implement business software solutions within the Microsoft Dynamics Business Central® product family, because in order to efficiently plan and use employees, machines and materials as well as to discover and utilize the existing savings potential, a company needs a powerful maintenance planning system (CMMS).

GLI Business Solutions gives you transparent and timely cost control as well as compliance with quality requirements

Because almost every company has critical systems and these have a direct impact on performance and therefore on the bottom line, our top maintenance software MAIN-TOOL intervenes before damage occurs. Transparent and timely cost control, Compliance with quality requirements, compliance with statutory environmental and safety tasks, increased availability of technical systems, needs-based communication and information distribution and consolidation as well as a high degree of integration of parallel systems and especially the office products, these are our goals with which we You want to agree and implement.

The team of GLI Business Solutions GmbH:

Dirk Biernat

Head of Development

Nils Brockmüller

Head of Project Management

Dietmar Seidel

Head of Service- and Quality Management

Jörg Denzien


Sven Pfeiffer

Chief Executive Officer

Marc Pfeiffer

Chief Executive Officer

Stefan Spötter

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Business Informatics Project Management

Manuela Volkmann

Assistent to the Management

Mathias Holst

Service & Support

Eyke Szopieray

Marketing Manager
GLI Business Solutions GmbH Sean Birkelbach

Sean Birkelbach


Tom-Niklas Müller

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Business Informatics

Shylaja Katkam

Junior Developer

Company history – Our milestones

Founded in 1986

The history of MAIN-TOOL begins

The goal was formulated in 1983: the creation of an EAM (Enterprise Asset Management) or an IPS (Maintenance and Planning System). In cooperation with the associations DKIN, VDI, VDMA, VDBUM and REFA, we outlined an initial information system for the maintenance planning of plants and machines.


The birth of MAIN-TOOL

After almost two years of development, “MAIN-TOOL System 1” based on DBase (Microsoft) is completed and delivered to customers. Beiersdorf AG in Hamburg becomes the first official MAIN-TOOL customer.


MAIN-TOOL System 2

After a development period of 2 years, “MAIN-TOOL System 2” is completed and delivered to existing and new customers.


The international breakthrough

“MAIN-TOOL System 2” becomes international through the use of Schering AG. At the end of the year 1000 users use MAIN-TOOL.


Preparing for Windows

“MAIN-TOOL System 2” is made fit for the future. Based on Fox Pro (Microsoft, formerly Foxsoft) a Windows forerunner is created.


Foundation of GLI Business Solutions GmbH

MAIN-TOOL is ported to Visual Fox Pro (Microsoft), the first fully-fledged Windows system. MAIN-TOOL is used throughout Europe in the power plant sector of HEW AG.

MAIN-TOOL celebrates its 10th birthday and counts the 2000th user. The MAIN-TOOL User Meeting is launched, which still takes place once a year.


Certification for Navision 2.0

MAIN-TOOL based on Navision 2.0 becomes part of the industry and special solution program of Navision (Microsoft, formerly Navision Software) Ad-on program and a certified solution for Navision.

MAIN-TOOL is the first EAM or IPS solution which is able to take over as a stand-alone system AND integrated ERP solution within the Navision product family.


MAIN-TOOL becomes part of the Microsoft Business Solution Ad-on Program

MAIN-TOOL based on Microsoft Navision 3.0 becomes part of the Microsoft Business Solution Ad-on program. Through the takeover of Navision Damgaard AS (formerly Navision Software AS) by Microsoft Corp., MAIN-TOOL is made fit for Microsoft Navision and continuously participates in the Microsoft certification program.

The 5,000th MAIN-TOOL user is also celebrated.


MAIN-TOOL is distributed in more than 60 countries

MAIN-TOOL based on Navision 4.0 is pushed via the Microsoft partner channel and distributed and implemented in over 60 countries.

MAIN-TOOL is already multilingual and, with its unique user interface, is one of the most modern EAM and IPS systems on the market.


20 Years of MAIN-TOOL: Further Branch Orientations

The branch orientations of MAIN-TOOL based on Microsoft Navision 4.0 are further advanced. In addition to the focus on the food, public transport, logistics, maintenance and supply and disposal industries, strong partnerships for various software suites of individual Microsoft partners are emerging.

MAIN-TOOL celebrates its 20th birthday and the number of users grows to over 8000.


MAIN-TOOL is at the top

MAIN-TOOL has reached the top of IPS and EAM systems. Web clients, mobile offline solutions and modern 3-tier architecture are now standard.


25 Years of MAIN-TOOL: Inclusion in the CFMD Program

MAIN-TOOL based on Microsoft Dynamics NAV 5.0 (formerly Microsoft Navision) is included in the CFMD (Certified for Microsoft Dynamics) program and is one of the most successful solutions in this Microsoft program.

The Microsoft CFMD certificate stands for highest product quality in the Microsoft Dynamics environment. MAIN-TOOL celebrates its 25th anniversary and is used by 10,000 users worldwide.


Renewed CFMD Certification & MAIN-TOOL Mobile

MAIN-TOOL and MAIN-TOOL Mobile based on Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 are again certified as CFMD. This makes MAIN-TOOL one of the most successful and investment secure IPS and EAM solutions based on one of the most successful and technologically leading software companies worldwide: Microsoft.


Mobilization for the future

MAIN-TOOL and MAIN-TOOL Mobile for Smartphone, Tablet and Industrial Handhelds (Windows, Android, IOS) are prepared for the upgrade to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017. MAIN-TOOL celebrates its 30th birthday.

After 30 years MAIN-TOOL has arrived in the cloud and is now available as a cloud service in Azure.


MAIN-TOOL in combination with the WAGO-Connector and the Empolis Information Management

Measured values are loaded into the cloud in real time, from where they can be easily accessed.
Based on the trend line, which is derived from the historical data, a fault is detected in time and the responsible technician
about the MAIN-TOOL App!


Measured values are loaded into the cloud in real time, from where they can be easily accessed.
Based on the trend line, which is derived from the historical data, a fault is detected in time and the responsible technician
about the MAIN-TOOL App!


GLI Business Solutions GmbH complements collana IT.


MAIN-TOOL in use on 400+ cargo ships!

Since 1.1.2022, GLI Business Solutions complements collana IT. The collana IT Group bundles successful IT companies and offers customers cross-industry IT expertise in the area of digitalization and automation of demanding business processes. Thus, the joint know-how from the areas of ERP, business apps, data analytics, business intelligence and cloud solutions contributes not only to the further development of all employees, but also to innovative customer solutions.

Successful for over 35 years

In addition our software solutions are enable our customers from a wide variety of industries to use intuitive concepts for monitoring and increasing the efficiency of operational maintenance processes. 

Our Maintenance Software MAIN-TOOL

Convince yourself of the qualities of our maintenance software with our case studies. In addition our software solutions are enable our customers from a wide variety of industries to use intuitive concepts for monitoring and increasing the efficiency of operational maintenance processes. Convince yourself of the qualities of our maintenance software MAIN-TOOL with our case studies.

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