The following information applies to the business activities of GLI Business Solutions GmbH:
GLI Business Solutions GmbH
Kirchhoffstraße 1 · D-25524 Itzehoe
Phone: +49 4821 4039880
Chief executive officers
Marc Pfeiffer, Sven Pfeiffer
Register court
Country Court Pinneberg
Register number HRB 1560 IZ
Ust-IdNr. DE182246539
Tax office number 18 290 15262
Public liability
Allianz Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft, Königinstr. 28, 80802 Munich, Germany
The business and professional liability insurance, insurance policy number AS-6206195724 with Allianz Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft, Königinstr. 28, 80802 Munich, Germany with a currently valid sum insured of EUR 5,000,000 for personal injury and property damage as well as financial losses per insured event. The maximum compensation for all insured events in an insurance year is twice this sum insured. The public liability insurance is valid worldwide for employees and services of GLI Business Solutions GmbH.
Image sources
Unsplash, Pexels, Eyke Szopieray